Stata graph
Stata graph

stata graph

We’ll start with familar data, and add a categorical variable with many categories. A variety of graphs have been devised for categorical and compositional data, ranging from widely familiar to more unusual displays. Cox University of Durham, UK Abstract. 190215 Speaking Stata: Graphing categorical and compositional data Nicholas J. Stata’s built-in color schemes are fine for banging out drafts, but for presentations where you want a custom color scheme it’s often easier to produce your own scheme than to either find acceptable colors in Stata’s palette or define color codes every time you produce a figure. There are scores if not hundreds of options that can be applied to any graph, so it is useful to become familiar with the Stata documentation - you will be using it! The Stata Journal (2004) 4, Number 2, pp. statakernel displays graphs by quietly inserting a graph export command after any command that creates a graph, and then loading and displaying. This is the height in pixels of graphs displayed. Within a graphics command, control over annotation lies mainly in options. The Stata Journal, 2002, 3, pp 316-327 The Clustergram: A graph for visualizing hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analyses Matthias Schonlau RAND Abstract In hierarchical cluster analysis dendrogram graphs are used to visualize how clusters are formed. If no graphheight is set, Stata will determine the optimal height for the specific image. marginsplot graphs the results from margins, and margins itself can compute functions of fitted values after almost any estimation command, linear or nonlinear. Text generally comes from variable labels, value labels, statistical transformations provided by the graphics routine, or the distribution of data values. Stata graphs Margins plots 'New in Stata 12 is the marginsplot command, which makes it easy to graph statistics from fitted models. We may also want to add text directly to the plot area.Īlmost all the control over the text in a graph lies outside the primary part of the graphics commands. It is also good practice to include titles, captions, and/or notes. We typically want to provide the reader with guides to interpreting the position and types of graphical objects used - scale and legend annotation. Without text, a statistical graph has no meaning.

Stata graph